Thursday, October 3, 2013

Late Night Stretch

 This stretch is meant to lengthen the hip joint and the hamstring.
 This is meant to stretch out the glutes and lower back.
If you only have time for one stretch in your day, this is the one to do. Look how many points are being targeted. The front deltoid in your shoulder and chest is opening up. The lower back and the obliques are stretching, so is the butt, the hip and even the groin.

Becki's Warm up

O verhead jumps
C limbers
T ouchdowns
O bliques
B ack squats
E lbow touches
R unning on the spot

Becki is so clever! What a great teacher.
Look at you climbing that mountain Grace!
 Look at you touching down Lara and Erin!
 Becki and her fab cross stick poem for October.
 She's sticking out her chest for the camera.
She's saying, "My bra is padded!"