Here's Arwen in a ball plank. Her feet and shins are resting on the resistance ball and her abs are tucked in tight as she pulls her knees up to her chest ad then pushes them back out straight. The balancing is a result of all the little muscles in her core. Arwen has suffered from lots of back pain and exercises like this will keep her low back healthy.
Tara R is on the stepper. She is planting her left foot and hurdling her right foot back and forth over the step. She switched legs after 30 seconds. By the end of the interval the planted leg starts to burn. She's using her glutes and quads here. These are big muscles that burn tons of calories.
Here's Christina doing a medicine ball crunch. Notice that she is pushing her low back into the mat and lifting her shoulder blades off the mat. This is perfect form because her pelvis is tilted up and she's using all of her abs rather than her neck.
Oh yeah! Carrie is double leg jumping on the trampoline. I love the trampoline because it mimics jumping in sand. The momentum is absorbed down into the springs forcing Carrie jump squat more deeply than if she were jumping on the ground. Look at that leg definition!
Becki is slamming the rope. These are called rope whips. This is a great compound movement that combines cardio with back and shoulder muscle conditioning. Becki is engaging her tummy muscles and pulling her lats to slap the floor with the heavy rope.
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