Monday, August 19, 2013

Diastasis Recti

This weekend I went to a fitness conference. One of the workshops that I attended was about diastasis recti, presented by Sarah Zahab. As you can see above it is the seperation of the rectus abdomens at the linea alba (some of you may have had this line turn black during pregnancy). When this line separates the integrity and functional strength of the abdominal wall is reduced. Lower back pain and pelvic instability can be aggravated by this condition. You may also see a protrusion of your abdomen and internal organs. Maybe you can see a cone shape in the centre of your belly when you are laying down and get up out of bed. Most women have this happen during pregnancy and experience no pain from it. Others experience low back pain, pelvic discomfort and/or a pulling sensation at the linea alba.

Prevention during pregnancy and Correction post partum:
1. Rise properly from the supine position. When you lay down and need to get up, rather than crunching to a seated position, gently roll over onto your side and using your hand for support lift your body up with your arms.
2. Stop and rectus abdominus and oblique exercises. (crunches or sit up and their variations)
3. Strengthen the tranverse abs.
4. Strengthen the pelvic floor.

If you think you have a large gap separating your rectus abdonimus I have now been taught how to check it for you. If you prefer to see a professional here are some local contacts. ( Sarah Zahab is at this clinic and specializes in post partum physiotherapy)

Also there are pelvic floor physiotherapists here in Toronto, I met one! They can do wonders for weak pelvic floors and remedy the leakages.

I kept hearing all weekend how ineffective crunches were. For the post partum women this movement can even be damaging. You can expect that we will cease and desist all crunches from now on.

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